Virgo Moon T-shirt by Dream Drifter Designs

Virgo Moon T-shirt by Dream Drifter Designs

Regular price $30.00

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Virgo Moon T-shirt by Dream Drifter Designs

"I was invited to vend with a group I really admired and worked with last March, and was inspired to create a new shirt design for the event. 

The theme was a Kids' Party - with games, food, and a lineup of music for the night. I was extremely giddy and inspired to just be, enjoy, and had a blast creating this one. 

I made my stencil outline, cut out that big moon piece, and saw on my calendar that the event would be right before a full moon. I got even more giddy knowing that following my intuition and having fun led to this sync up - who else loves that magical stuff?!"

- Amber, Dream Drifter Designs

On the rack at Method Made SF. Each piece is hand-printed in lavender and turquoise ink on 100% Cotton on Cream-colored t-shirts. Available Unisex Sizes: S - 2XL.

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